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about CR EXPO

Welcome to China's largest care and rehabilitation expo with 50,000 visitors

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Booth Number:1D03

Company introduction

The Shenzhen Disabled Persons' Federation was established in November 1988, consisting of representatives of various types of disabled people and disabled labor authors. It has three departments: an office, a rehabilitation and employment department, and an organization and publicity (rights protection) department. The Shenzhen Disabled Persons Comprehensive Service Center is a directly affiliated institution of the Shenzhen Disabled Persons' Federation. It is a citywide disability service organization that integrates representatives of disabled individuals, social welfare organizations, and career management service institutions. Its main functions include representing the common interests of disabled individuals and safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests; Unite and educate people with disabilities, and serve them; Fulfill some administrative functions entrusted by the government, manage and develop the cause of disabled people.

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