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Company introduction

VCbeat, established in the year 2014, is an innovative industrial service organization that uses data as the base, research as the core, and brand media as the connection to promote the precise aggregation of industrial resources and help industry changers grow rapidly. VCbeat focuses on the healthcare and agri-food industries in life and health, relying on its five major brands, VCbeat.top, VB-100, VCbeat Research, VBdata, and VBearth, to provide services like brand communication, research and consulting, data monitoring, resource/ project match-making, etc., for enterprises, government industrial parks, investment institutions, and other institutions in the industrial chain. Since its establishment, VCbeat has been invested by many well-known investment institutions, like Legend Capital, Baidu Ventures, Longhill Capital, and Highlight Capital, with a valuation of hundreds of millions of yuan.

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