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about CR EXPO

Welcome to China's largest care and rehabilitation expo with 50,000 visitors

Booth Application Visitor Pre-registration

Category:: Rehabilitation Exhibition Area

Booth Number:3C05

Company introduction

CareTAl full cycle management system for children's rehabilitation-the system is specially equipped with C-PEP-3 assess ment scale and self-developed pre-assessment scale--《CareEVALUATION TAl Special Children Early Skills Screening Assessment Scale》. CareTAl is a set of product solutions developed specifically for empowering children's rehabilitation CareTAI takes into account teaching and operation management which can quickly help institutions realize the digital and intelligent record transformation of teaching and management.With the goal of improving the overall efficiency and benefit of institutions. Caretai has an insight into the direction of the industry and runsthrough the whole business process.Together with a number of industry top BCBA,BCaBA expert groups to build. This product solution provides solutions to core problems in three scenarios:institutional management teaching and rehabilitation support,and home-school cooperation.

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