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about CR EXPO

Welcome to China's largest care and rehabilitation expo with 50,000 visitors

Booth Application Visitor Pre-registration

Category:: Walking Mobile Exhibition Area

Booth Number:2G06

Company introduction

Vermeiren Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional medical equipment manufacturer from Belgium. Over the last half century, Vermeiren has been working at the innovation and production of wheelchairs, beds and other home care products. The quality and sales volume of Vermeiren products rank the 3rd in Europe and the 4th over the world. Vermeiren enjoys a worldwide popularity with her first-class quality, advanced technology, courtesy service and warm care. After fifty years development, Vermeiren Group has founded subsidiaries across Europe (including Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Austria, Poland, Spain and Czech). In 2005, a new production facility was built in Suzhou of China to supply products to Europe as well as other parts of the world.

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